Ronald F. Feldstein Selected
Papers in PDF Format
the Structure of Russian Stress Oppositions,” paper given at Duke University
SEELRC conference, Aug. 1, 2020.
Review of Jay H.
Jasanoff, The prehistory of the
Balto-Slavic accent. In Journal of
Slavic Linguistics, Volume 27, Number 2, Summer-Fall 2019, pp. 221-226.
Jakobson's 1948 System of Russian Verb Accentuation," paper presented at
Duke University, July, 2019.
Announcement: Annotated translation of Roman Jakobson, Remarques sur l’evolution phonologique du russe comparée
à celle des autres langues slaves (2018, MIT Press)
Binary Oppositions and Distributions in the Russian Stress System (revised).
Presented at the 15th Slavic
Cognitive Linguistics Conference," (Powerpoint) October 12, 2017,
St. Petersburg, Russia
Binary Oppositions and Distributions in the Russian Stress System”, Glossos 13:
Fall 2017 pp. 1-18
Sound Change and the Diachronic Contributions of Isačenko and Jakobson.”
Lecture presented at Duke University (2016).
“On Russian Concessive-Adversative
Constructions With Pronominal Reduplication of the
type “Óæ ÷åì-÷åì, à
ýòèì åãî íå
óäèâèøü.” Trudy Instituta russkogo iazyka im. V.V.
Vinogradova: Materialy mezhdunarodnoi nauchnoi konferentsii
"Grammaticheskie protsessy i sistemy." Moscow, 2016, pp. 327-341
“Russian Concessives/Adversatives
Using Reduplicated Pronouns of the type Óæ ÷åì-÷åì, à..,” Powerpoint
Presentation (2015)
Principles of Russian Noun Stress,” Powerpoint Presentation (2015)
Remarks on the Evolution of Russian (How to read Remarques sur l’evolution phonologique du russe comparée
à celle des autres langues slaves),” Powerpoint Presentation (2014)
Stress and the Notion of Syncretism,” IWOBA 7 (Seventh International Workshop
on Balto-Slavic Accentology), Moscow, 2016, pp. 158-169.
“An Introduction
to William Pokhlebkin and his Contributions to Russian Culture,” Glossos
“Nominal Prosodic Paradigms and
their Synchronic Reflexes in West Slavic.” Studies in Slavic and General Linguistics, vol. 37, ed. by Tijmen
Pronk and Rick Derksen. Rodopi: Amsterdam, 2011. Pp. 97-108.
“On Mobile Vowel Stress in
Russian, as Influenced by Stem-final Consonants,” in Baltische und slavische Prosodie, ed. by Elena Stadnik-Holzer.
Peter Lang: Frankfurt am Main, 2011. Pp. 61-8.
Review of
Andrej A. Zaliznjak, Drevnerusskie
ènklitiki. In Acta Slavica
Iaponica, Tomus 29, 2011, pp. 133-5.
“Russian Nominal Accentual
Patterns as a Redundant Feature of the Genitive Plural Zero-Ending and the
Problem of Feminine and Neuter End-Stress”, Presented at Midwest Slavic
Conference, Ohio State University, 4/18/09.
“Development of Prosodic Redundancy
in East and West Slavic, as Conditioned by the new Zero-Ending,” 2008 AATSEEL
Meeting, 12/08.
Review of The Slavic Languages. Cambridge Language
Surveys, R. Sussex, P. Cubberley. Cambridge University Press (2006), (with
Steven Franks). Lingua 118 (2008),
Pp. 1021–1032.
Dual Stem Aspectual Syncretism and the Opposition of Phase and Determinacy.” Glossos 9, (Online journal at Or:
source for “Russian Dual Stem Aspectual Syncretism and the Opposition of Phase
and Determinacy”
“Russian phonological
desinences as a conditioning factor in accentual paradigms.” Tones and Theories: Proceedings from the
International Workshop on Balto-Slavic Accentology. Zagreb, 2007. Pp.
“Polish trot reflexes and the segmental
properties of metathesis,” Festschrift for Jože Toporišić, published in Jezikovna predanost: Akademiku prof. dr. Jožetu
Toporišiču ob 80-letnici. (=Zora
44). Maribor, 2006. Pp. 205-213.
“On the Formal and Semantic
Structure of Russian Dual Simplexes and Dual Perfectives.” Keynote address at
the first meeting of the Slavic Linguistics Society. September, 2006.
„Ïðîòèâîðå÷èâûå êîëè÷åñòâåííûå îòðàæåíèÿ äèôòîíãîâ íà ïëàâíûå â ïîëüñêîì ÿçûêå òèïà płótno, król, we
młodości,” written for presentation at „DIACHRONIA W BADANIACH NAD JĘZYKIEM I W DYDAKTYCE SZKOŁY
WYŻSZEJ”, Lodz, June 23, 2006,
published in Rozprawy komisji językowej. Tom
LI. Diachronia w badaniach nad językiem
w dydaktyce szkoły wyższej. Cześć I. Łódź, Łódzkie towarzystwo naukowe,
2006. Pp. 67-77.
phonological desinences as a conditioning factor in accentual paradigms.” Tones
and Theories: Proceedings from the International Workshop on Balto-Slavic
Accentology. Zagreb, 2007. Pp. 185-187.
“On the Aspectual Derivation
of ‘Dual Simplexes’,” in East-West
Encounter: Second International Conference on Meaning ⇔ Text Theory. Moscow: ßçûêè Ñëàâÿíñêîé Êóëüòóðû, 2005, pp. 122-131.
Handout, Proceedings
of the Second International
Conference on the Meaning -- Text Theory (MTT-2005), Moscow, 2005.
Handout, International
Workshop on Balto-Slavic Accentology (IWoBA),
Zagreb, 2005
Base Forms of Russian Nouns and Their Relation to Nominative and Genitive.”
Prepublication proof, Slavica, 2005.
“On the Structure
of Syncretism in Romanian Conjugation,” Contemporary Approaches to Romance
Linguistics: Selected Papers
from The 33rd Linguistic Symposium on
Romance Languages (LSRL). John
Benjamins, 2004, pp. 177-195.
"The Unified
Monophthongization Rule of Common Slavic,"
Journal of Slavic Linguistics 11(2), 2003, pp. 247-281.
“Some Issues of
Reorganizing the Russian One-Stem Verb Classes.” Paper delivered at Duke
University, 2003.
"On the
Classification of Ukrainian Nominal Stress Paradigms." Where
One's Tongue Rules Well: A Festschrift for Charles E. Townsend. (=Indiana Slavic Studies 13, 2002. Pp.
"A Binary Feature
Approach to Russian Nominal Declension," Glossos 2: Winter 2002.
Published online under the auspices of the Duke-UNC Language Resource
Jakobson's East Slavic zones as presented in Remarques sur l'evolution
phonologique du russe." Vadim
Liapunov Festschrift, Indiana Slavic Studies 11, 2000. Pp. 109-18.
Relative Chronology and
the Split of Slavic Liquid Diphthong Evolution into Northern and Southern
Zones. Paper read at AATSEEL, 1999.
Review of Bethin, Slavic Prosody. Journal of Slavic Linguistics
137–143, 1998.
“On the Relations Between
Russian Desinences and Stress Patterns." Formal Approaches to Slavic Linguistics. Ann Arbor:
Michigan Slavic Publications, 1997.
Pp. 128 143.
"Regular and Deviant
Patterns of Russian Nominal Stress and Their Relation to Markedness," in
Andrews, Edna and Yishai Tobin (eds.), Towards a Calculus of Meaning: Studies in Markedness, Distinctive Features,
and Deixis. (Linguistic and
Literary Studies in Eastern Europe Series).
John Benjamins: Amsterdam and
Philadelphia, 1996, pp. 199‑215.
Review of Schenker, The Dawn of Slavic. Anthropological
Linguistics 38(4): 718-726, 1996.
"Romanian Verbal
Desinences for Tense, Number, and Person."
Indiana Slavic Studies 7 (1994), pp. 36‑44.
"On the Evolution of Jer + Liquid
Diphthongs in Polish and West Slavic," in James Daniel Armstrong: In
Memoriam, Slavica: Columbus, 1994, pp.
25 41.
verbului în limba româna," Dacoromania, I serie
nouă, 1994‑95 nr. 1‑2, pp. 75‑96.
Stress of the Romanian Verb,” originally published in Romanian translation as
"Accentul verbului în limba româna," Dacoromania,
I serie nouă, 1994‑95 nr. 1‑2, pp. 75‑96.
"The Nature and Use of
the Accentual Paradigm as Applied to Russian," Journal of Slavic
Linguistics 1:1 (Winter‑Spring, 1993), pp. 44‑60.
"On the
Structural Meaning of the Dybo Law," Indiana Slavic Studies 5
(1990) (=Festschrift for William Edgerton), pp. 43‑60.
Nominal Accentual Paradigms and the Problem of Ambiguously Stressed Zero
Morphemes," Slavic and East European Journal 34:4 (1990), pp.
Original English version
of translated "Praslovanské
prozodické pozadie vzniku rytmického zákona v
slovenčine," Slavica Slovaca 25:1 (1990), pp. 41‑49: "The Protoslavic Prosodic Background of
the Slovak Rhythmic Law."
"The Regular
Properties of Old Church Slavonic Verbs," Festschrift to Honor Rado
Lencek, in Slovene Studies 9:1-2, 1987, pp. 79-86
"Czyta vs. Czytaj and the Determination of Polish
Conjugational Desinences," International Journal of Slavic Linguistics and
Poetics 35-36 (1987), pp. 65-78.
"Czyta kontra
czytaj i ustalenie polskich końcówek koniugacyjnych," Poradnik
Językowy 2 (1987), pp. 91-99.
"The Inverse
Proportionality of Segmental and Suprasegmental in the Russian Verb," Slavic
and East European Journal, 31:4, 1987, pp. 582-594.
Russian Verbal Stress System," International Journal of Slavic
Linguistics and Poetics 33, l986, pp. 43-61.
Restrictions in Russian Nominal Derivation," Slavic and East European
Journal 28:4, Winter, 1984, pp. 502-510.
Jat' Reflexes in Slovene Dialects," Zbornik za filologiju i
lingvistiku 27-28, Posvećeno Akad. M. Ivić i P.
1984-85, pp. 851-860.
Variation of Nasals in Contemporary Standard Polish," International
Journal of Slavic Linguistics and Poetics
28, 1983, pp. 7-23.
"The Relative
Chronology of the Slovene Progressive Stress Shift," Slovene Studies
4:2, 1982, pp. 91-97.
Phonological Background of Ukrainian Consonant Dispalatalization," Die Welt der Slaven 25:1, 1980, pp.
the Definition of Russian Stress Paradigms," General Linguistics 20:3,
1980, pp. 123-139.
Polish Vowel Dispalatalization and its Environment," Lingua 50,
1980, pp. 221-242.
"On Stress
and the Vowel-Zero Alternation in Russian," Russian Language Journal
23:115, 1979, pp. 29-44.
Look at Slavic Liquid Diphthongs," Lingua 38, 1976, pp. 313-334.
"The Prosodic Evolution
of West Slavic in the Context of the Neo-Acute Stress," Glossa 9:1,
1975, pp. 63-78.
Romanian Verb
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